Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
If Kisses Were Snowflakes Printable
Hey guys! I am SOOOO excited for the holidays! Christmas is my favorite! So, in light of the holiday cheer that is filling my heart and home, here is my latest in shop:
In Love with Language,
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Shabby Apple Cyber Monday SALE!!
Shabby Apple is having a fabulous sale this week--20% off EVERYTHING on their site! Just use the code JOYFUL SEASON at checkout. Sale ends 11/30/2012, so head on over for some great Holiday fashions!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Party at Debbie Jean's This Weekend!
If you're in the Wisconsin area this weekend, take a trip over to Debbie Jean's Custom Framing and Whimsical Treasures for her Holiday Open House and 10th Anniversary Party! Debbie is showcasing TONS of great items for the holidays, including my own Shabby-Chic Headwraps and Flirty Flower Rings and Earrings, as well as many MANY other beautiful creations!
And if you can't make it this weekend, just drop by her store anytime to find some beautiful holiday gifts!
bobby pins,
Fashion Fun,
Sew What,
Shabby Chic
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
What I Wore: Halloweeeeeeener! ;)
Halfway through November... and I finally got my Halloween pictures to work! (my computer has been rejecting my camera card lately). So, here's to a wonderful What WE Wore--Halloweener Edition! ;)
This year I didn't dress up in costume as in the past; I wanted to keep it a little more simple. I dressed up sporting Halloween colors, and even dressed my little Halloweener puppy up in her orange and black dress and bow (yes, she's cuter than me, but I accept that, haha). The little kids at school kept asking me what I was supposed to be--I was the embodiment of the holiday, duh. :P
Seriously, I think I love this holiday simply just to dress my little doggie up--isn't she adorable?? :)
Love how she poses like a little model! :)
When I got home from work I decided to do something holiday-ish in the kitchen (it's been a while since I've baked or decorated or anything--marriage sure does through you for a loop!), so I FINALLY made those candy-corn sugar cookies I pinned on Pinterest last Halloween. ;)
They were Delicious, and dang cute to boot. ;)
Cooking Creations,
Fashion Fun,
My Babies,
What I Wore
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Upcycles in my Room
So, continuing on our home makeover (why buy new when you can make it prettier for cheaper?), I decided to recover my lovely pink pillow--what can I say, I'm a girly girl. :) --this particular pillow cover was one of my very first "home decor" projects.
But it is definitely time for a change--to continue the theme of our new room, I headed off to JoAnns and purchased some gold and green brocades (I LOVE brocades!)--and here is the result:
Of course, since that upcycle was so much fun, I decided to try my hand at another one--this time, my little pink bed lamp (again, pink of course, haha). I forgot to get a full picture before I got started on my project, but I did snap one of the lamp shade, so you can see the big difference:
So out to the shed I went for some spray paint:
and painted the base (once pink) brown (but with some glittery top coat, haha):
There's the glittery shine! ;)
While that was drying, I got to work on the lampshade--real high tech pattern making, I know, I just rolled the lampshade and traced, like the kids do with shapes in first grade. :)
Once cut out, I simply glued the fabric onto the old shade with a glue gun.
Then I added just a bit of gold ribbon for the trim, and voila! :)
Monday, October 29, 2012
What I Wore: Sunshine and a New Haircut!
I've had long hair my entire life--once I cut it shoulder-length in middle school, but other than that I've been pretty determined to keep my long luscious locks. ;) However, since getting married, my sense of adventure is coming back and I am loving trying new things!
So, here we go--from this:
To this!
And, of course, with a new haircut I had to go with one of my favorites--my lovely sunshine look, dress and ring made by me. :)
and the yellow polka dot shoes--yellow is such a happy color! :)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
What I Wore: Lady in Red
This is one of my favs--red, white,and polka dots! Can't get much more fun than that. :)
Oh, and gotta love how I have my own photographer now (rather than running back and forth to my tripod)--haha, of course, that also means I get some interesting pics when I'm not looking. ;) Man, I have the best husband ever. <3 p="p">
"I don't think there ever was a wrong time for a polka dot..."
~Marc Jacobs
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Toilet Paper Art
Okay, so you all know those Toilet Paper Roll Art Projects popping up all over Pinterest? Yep, I've pinned just about every single one--for nearly a year now--and never actually got around to making one. Don't get me wrong, I loved the idea, but every time I started collecting tubes I'd get a pile of them, then think I just didn't have the time, or that it was more of a "want" not a "need," but most of all--didn't feel I had the time or justification to do something "fun." You see, I have this problem--my husband points it out nearly every day--where I just can't justify doing something fun, or something I WANT to do, or something just for me, until EVERYTHING else in the world is taken care of. Work first, play later--right? Yeah, not so right--I'm discovering that this mentality is more like the formula for a mental breakdown! Haha...
But, one day I discovered that my sister had made one--and it was beautiful! So I started collecting toilet paper rolls again, because after I saw her creation I knew I really had to have one. :) Eventually I had quite a nice collection of rolls, but I was still having a hard time getting to it--until one day our bathroom flooded and the stress took me over. I was breaking down, and my husband MADE me (yes, MADE me) do something for myself--"ANYTHING babe, just do something that you don't HAVE to do--you'll feel better, I promise." He promised... yeah, Challenge Accepted my friend.
I dug out my stash of toilet paper rolls and salvaged the ones that had been spared from the flood, turned Psych on the TV, and went to work.
I started with flower petals, intended on making flowers, but when I saw all my petals sitting in a pile on the table, I suddenly began creating something completely different than I had planned.
I then found some wire and kept on creating...
Until eventually the project took over my entire worktable! (The worktable which, by the way, my wonderful husband built for my craft corner--boy I love my man)
It needed a little something more--so I spliced another toilet paper roll in half, and with some scissors and wire, made a toilet paper bird!
When I finished, I very carefully (this thing is quite large) carried it to the shop and had fun with some color.
Sparkly, silver butterflies...
and a beautiful blue songbird! :)
and the final project!!
Art is man's nature:
Nature is God's art.
~Philip James Bailey
This project was featured!
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